2019 IGFA Central America & Caribbean Regional Meeting
On Friday, August 16, 2019, the IGFA held its 2019 Central America & Caribbean Regional meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, around the 66th San Juan International Billfish Tournament. IGFA Trustees, Representatives, Captains and Members from Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico joined IGFA staff at the historic Club Náutico de San Juan to discuss the IGFA’s progress against its three-year strategy and the role of the organization in the Central America & Caribbean region.

The meeting also marked the first step towards the formation of an IGFA Central America & Caribbean Regional Council to help drive the IGFA mission at a local level. The nomination process for members of the Central America & Caribbean Regional Council is currently underway and an announcement on the selected Council Officers is scheduled for mid-September. For more information on the IGFA Regional Councils or the nomination process for the Central America & Caribbean Council Officers, please contact IGFA Marketing Manager Andy Saldana at [email protected].
Attendees also enjoyed a presentation by Oceanography and Satellite Data Expert Dr. Marina Marrari, of the Costa Rican Fishing Federation (FECOP), who presented a project she’s currently undertaking to focus on analyzing historical data for oceanic weather conditions and catch data to develop patterns in the fishery. This important data will be used to better manage fisheries and implement appropriate conservation measures.
The IGFA would like to thank all those who attended this important meeting. Special thanks to our hosts IGFA Trustee Agie Vicente and the Club Náutico de San Juan for their hospitality and helping make this meeting a success!