Collect Tarpon Fin Clips to Help us Understand Tarpon Diet

Photos by Captain David Mangum @shallowwaterexpeditions

The Tarpon Isotope Study is focused on understanding the diet of Atlantic tarpon. Tarpon (and other fish and animals) incorporate the chemical makeup of what they eat into their body tissue. So by taking small fin clip samples from tarpon, we can get an idea of what tarpon eat without having to use more invasive techniques (such as gut content analysis).

This multi-year project will help us link tarpon habitat use and movements to their prey groups. This will inform proposals to revise management of habitats and water quality as well as management of tarpon prey, like forage fish. This will influence management throughout the tarpon’s migratory range.

If you land more than five (5) tarpon per year and would like to participate in this important research project – WE NEED YOUR HELP. 

To participate:

Please send an email to [email protected], or text 413-552-8425 to request a fin clip kit be sent to your address.
Please include your full name, mailing address, phone number or email.