2023 Barry M. Fitzpatrick Conservation Award – Dr. Sean Tracey

Dr. Sean Tracey’s life-long passion for the ocean and angling led him to a career in fisheries biology. From the extreme northern latitudes of Norway tagging bluefin tuna to engaging with the booming recreational swordfish fishery in the temperate waters near Australia, he has travelled around the world fishing for and working with a wide range of marine species. A passionate advocate for education, knowledge sharing, and citizen science, Sean founded the highly successful Tuna Champions program, one of the largest post-release survival projects in the world using state-of-the-art satellite tagging technology. Working closely with recreational anglers, this initiative to reduce unnecessary mortality in southern bluefin tuna through evidence-based fishing and handling practices has been instrumental in fostering the behavioral change within the recreational sector. A blueprint for improving stewardship in other fisheries, Tracey’s research has also gained traction in the competitive angling realm with tournament rule changes influenced by the latest data, and in the retail market, where conservation-approved gear is branded for SBT fishing. Dr. Tracey also serves as an IGFA representative, SAP member, and Oceania Regional Council Conservation member.