Game Fish Identification Reference Guides
(Serranochromis robustus)
(Serranochromis robustus)

(Günther 1864); CICHLIDAE FAMILY; also yellow-belly bream, robbie, tsungwa, sungwa, olyfkurper, nsuku
This species is found in Southern Africa’s lake Malawi and the Shire River, but has also been introduced to other waters including the upper Ruo River in Malawi and Swaziland and Natal.
The body of the nembwe is heavy and robust; the mouth large with large well spaced conical teeth. The pectoral fins are relatively short, 19-23% of the standard length. The coloration is olive to bright green, with a deep olive band along midbody. Fins are olive with yellow orange margins, anal fin of males with orange egg-spots.
The nembwe is Africa's answer to the American bass. This predatory bream resembles the bass in appearance and behavior. It uses structure from which to launch an ambush, or hunt down its prey of fish like the Mbuna and sand-dwelling invertebrates. Larger specimens prefer deep main channels and permanent lagoons, whereas smaller fishes occur mainly in lagoons and secondary channels. Nembwe breed in the summer, nesting along vegetated fringes of mainstreams.
Like a bass, the nembwe will sometimes take to the air when hooked, shaking its head in an attempt to rid itself of the lure. The "robbie" will take almost any presentation used in bass fishing. Rapala type plugs and spoons, jig heads rigged with plastic baits and spinnerbaits are all excellent baits for this outstanding fish.
The nembew is a major angling target and is an important component of commercial and subsistence fisheries in Southern Afric
This species is found in Southern Africa’s lake Malawi and the Shire River, but has also been introduced to other waters including the upper Ruo River in Malawi and Swaziland and Natal.
The body of the nembwe is heavy and robust; the mouth large with large well spaced conical teeth. The pectoral fins are relatively short, 19-23% of the standard length. The coloration is olive to bright green, with a deep olive band along midbody. Fins are olive with yellow orange margins, anal fin of males with orange egg-spots.
The nembwe is Africa's answer to the American bass. This predatory bream resembles the bass in appearance and behavior. It uses structure from which to launch an ambush, or hunt down its prey of fish like the Mbuna and sand-dwelling invertebrates. Larger specimens prefer deep main channels and permanent lagoons, whereas smaller fishes occur mainly in lagoons and secondary channels. Nembwe breed in the summer, nesting along vegetated fringes of mainstreams.
Like a bass, the nembwe will sometimes take to the air when hooked, shaking its head in an attempt to rid itself of the lure. The "robbie" will take almost any presentation used in bass fishing. Rapala type plugs and spoons, jig heads rigged with plastic baits and spinnerbaits are all excellent baits for this outstanding fish.
The nembew is a major angling target and is an important component of commercial and subsistence fisheries in Southern Afric