Game Fish Identification Reference Guides
(Pseudoplatystoma spp.)
(Pseudoplatystoma spp.)

(Spix & Agassiz 1829); also called spotted sorubim; also called sorubí, surubim; / Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Linnaeus 1766); also called barred sorubim, surubim, pintado, rayado, zungaro doncella, surubim-lenha, pintadillo; / Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum (Valenciennes 1840); also called tiger sorubim, caparari, tigre zúngaro, bagre tigre; PIMELODIDAE FAMILY
Sorubim are large catfish found in South America in the Amazon Basin, Sao Francisco, and Paraná river systems. They inhabit river channels, floodplains and larger rainforest streams in both running and still water. They are found under lily pads and water plants of floating islands and at large river outlets, marsh and lagoon mouths
As the name suggests, spotted sorubim have varying patterns of black spots. In barred sorubim, there are vertical to slightly oblique black stripes, often with spots, which are thicker on the ventral side. There is great variation in the patterns of stripes and spots and can be confused easily with the tiger sorubim, which also has vertical to oblique stripes, although the stripes and head of the barred sorubim are narrower.
Unlike many Amazon catfish, sorubim aggressively strike trolled or cast spoons and plugs intended for peacock bass, and then take off at high speeds for heavy cover. Because they run for cover where they can be easily broken off, medium to heavy tackle is most often used. For natural baits, anglers use live or dead fish, whole or in chunks depending on the size fish sought. Although they can be caught during the day, fishing for these shovelnose catfish is more productive at night when they mainly feed.
The sorubim are much appreciated for both their strength and the white flesh, which rates them, as some of the best catfish for the table
Sorubim are large catfish found in South America in the Amazon Basin, Sao Francisco, and Paraná river systems. They inhabit river channels, floodplains and larger rainforest streams in both running and still water. They are found under lily pads and water plants of floating islands and at large river outlets, marsh and lagoon mouths
As the name suggests, spotted sorubim have varying patterns of black spots. In barred sorubim, there are vertical to slightly oblique black stripes, often with spots, which are thicker on the ventral side. There is great variation in the patterns of stripes and spots and can be confused easily with the tiger sorubim, which also has vertical to oblique stripes, although the stripes and head of the barred sorubim are narrower.
Unlike many Amazon catfish, sorubim aggressively strike trolled or cast spoons and plugs intended for peacock bass, and then take off at high speeds for heavy cover. Because they run for cover where they can be easily broken off, medium to heavy tackle is most often used. For natural baits, anglers use live or dead fish, whole or in chunks depending on the size fish sought. Although they can be caught during the day, fishing for these shovelnose catfish is more productive at night when they mainly feed.
The sorubim are much appreciated for both their strength and the white flesh, which rates them, as some of the best catfish for the table