Game Fish Identification Reference Guides
(Hydrolycus spp.)
(Hydrolycus spp.)
(Cuvier 1819); CYNODONTIDAE FAMILY; also called peixe cachorro, dog fish, saber toothed dogfish, tiger fish, guapeta
Payara inhabit freshwater rivers and lakes in South America from the Orinoco to Paraguay River basins. The distribution of large payara is limited to a few places in Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Peru and probably Ecuador. They prefer fast moving water, but are found in still waters of lakes and rivers as well.
The outstanding characteristic of this fish is the pair of enormous saber like teeth protruding from the lower jaw of the broad upturned mouth. The upper jaw contains two corresponding holes to accommodate the four to six inch teeth when the mouth is closed. The payaras elongated, compressed body and enlarged pectoral fins are ideal for the violently turbulent water that these topendpredators seem to prefer. Payara are generally dark blue to olivaceous dorsally, blending to silver along the sides and belly
Payara are among the gamest of South Americas freshwater fishes, leaping when hooked and making long fast runs. They are picivorous predators that attack upward, stabbing prey with the large canine teeth and then swallowing them whole and head first.
While not particularly tasty, local populations fish for them and eat them regularly. Though plentiful now, the distribution of payara is limited, and anglers must be cautious to preserve this fantastic fishery, taking care to release fish in good condition
Payara inhabit freshwater rivers and lakes in South America from the Orinoco to Paraguay River basins. The distribution of large payara is limited to a few places in Columbia, Venezuela, Brazil, Guyana, Peru and probably Ecuador. They prefer fast moving water, but are found in still waters of lakes and rivers as well.
The outstanding characteristic of this fish is the pair of enormous saber like teeth protruding from the lower jaw of the broad upturned mouth. The upper jaw contains two corresponding holes to accommodate the four to six inch teeth when the mouth is closed. The payaras elongated, compressed body and enlarged pectoral fins are ideal for the violently turbulent water that these topendpredators seem to prefer. Payara are generally dark blue to olivaceous dorsally, blending to silver along the sides and belly
Payara are among the gamest of South Americas freshwater fishes, leaping when hooked and making long fast runs. They are picivorous predators that attack upward, stabbing prey with the large canine teeth and then swallowing them whole and head first.
While not particularly tasty, local populations fish for them and eat them regularly. Though plentiful now, the distribution of payara is limited, and anglers must be cautious to preserve this fantastic fishery, taking care to release fish in good condition