Newly Approved IGFA World Records
To see all newly approved IGFA World Records since January 2024, please click here.

Mile's Brown Trout
On November 11, 2023, Kate Miles was fishing Sandy Creek, New York, US, when she landed this beautiful 4.05-kilogram (8-pound, 15-ounce) brown trout, setting the new IGFA Women’s 2-kg (4-lb) Tippet Class World Record for the species. Kate landed the record fish on an egg-pattern fly after a short fight, and released the fish safely after recording the weight on her certified scale. Congratulations, on an incredible record Kate!

Walker's Smallmouth Buffalo
Larry Walker landed this 20.87-kilogram (46-pound) smallmouth buffalo on November 18, 2023, while fishing Decker Lake, Texas, US, to set the new IGFA Men’s 37-kg (80-lb) Line Class World Record for the species. The fish struck a dough ball bait and was landed after a short five-minute fight. After recording the weight on the shoreline, Larry released the record buffalo safely.

Brent Van Niekerk’s Speckled Peacock
Brent Van Niekerk was fishing the Rio Marie in Brazil on September 7, 2023, when he landed this massive 94-centimeter speckled peacock to set the new IGFA All-Tackle Length World Record for the species. Brent landed the fish after a quick fight and released the fish safely after properly recording the length on his official IGFA Measuring Device. Brent’s fish tops the previous record by just two centimeters and retires a seven-way tie, which has been in place for nearly three years! Congratulations Brent on an amazing fish and an impressive record!

Arostegui’s Blue Catfish
IGFA Fishing Hall of Famer Roberta Arostegui was fishing with her son and fellow IGFA World Record aficionado, Dr. Martini Arostegui, on November 25, 2023, when she landed this 17.01-kilogram (37-pound, 8-ounce) blue catfish. The record catfish struck cut bait while they were fishing in the Potamic River, Virginia, US, and was landed after a 15-minute fight. Once landed, Roberta and Martini quickly weighed and documented the catch before releasing it safely. With this catch, Roberta has set the IGFA Women’s 6-kg (12-lb) Line Class World Record for blue catfish.

Dowell’s Southern Bluefin Tuna
On October 18, 2023, Levi Michael Dowell, age 15, landed this impressive 152.80-kilogram (336-pound, 13-ounce) southern bluefin tuna while fishing out of Cape Liptrap, Australia. Levi was fishing aboard the Chato captained by Michael Dowell when this fish struck a trolled lure. After a 1-hour and 40-minute fight, Levi was able to bring this record fish to the boat. With this fish, Levi has set the IGFA Men’s Junior World Record for the species, which tops the previous record by more than ten pounds.