Tim Simpson, revered in the angling world, boasts a career spanning two decades as an esteemed IGFA Representative and dedicated member of the Game Fish Association of Australia (GFAA). Rooted in a lifelong passion for fishing, Simpson helmed Australia's largest fishing tackle stores for twenty years before leading BlueWater Magazine, the premier offshore fishing publication globally. Throughout his tenure, Simpson ensured IGFA's prominent presence, advocating for the organization within the angling community. Co-author of The Book of Lures and a seven-time IGFA world record holder, Simpson's expertise in angling techniques is unmatched. His influence extends beyond publications, with roles as a tournament judge, advisor to angling associations, and a pivotal tenure on The Billfish Foundation's board. An enduring educator, Simpson's commitment to sharing angling knowledge spans over four decades, with appearances on national and international TV fishing shows and contributions to Australia's HiTide radio fishing show for over two decades. The 2024 IGFA Chester H. Wolfe Sportsmanship Award honors Simpson's unwavering dedication to promoting the sport and advocating for ethical angling practices, marking his indelible impact on the global angling community.