Game Fish Identification Reference Guides
Pollack, European
(Pollachius pollachius)
(Pollachius pollachius)

(Linnaeus, 1758); GADIDAE FAMILY; also called billet, lythe, black jack
It is strictly a European species, occurring in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Spain and Portugal, including the English Channel, the North Sea, Iceland, and more rarely the northern coast of the western Mediterranean. It is mainly an in shore species found near rocky coasts and over rocky bottoms. Though a bottom feeder it may also be found swimming in shoals in midwaters.
It is a member of the cod family Gadidae and can be distinguished from similar looking species in its own family by a combination of features. Its lower jaw projects beyond the upper jaw, its tail is concave, its lateral line is dark greenish brown and arches sharply above the pectoral fins, and the chin lacks barbels. Coloration of this species is usually dark brown or olive dorsally. The sides of the fish change rather abruptly to a paler, yellowish color. Sometimes dark yellow or orange spots or stripes are apparent on the upper flanks.
It is a good sport fish and a strong fighter. It is in the words of one author “a crash dive artist par excellence” and is difficult to stop before it reaches sanctuary. Its diet includes sand eels, sprats, herring, smaller cod like fish, wrasses, rocklings, blennies, squid, worms and large crustaceans. Bait fishing, casting, jigging or trolling are all successful fishing methods. Baits and lures include diamond jigs, squid, herring, clams, worms, smaller cod species, crabs, shrimp, and prawns, spoons, tub lures, spinners, plugs and flies. They are an excellent table fish
It is strictly a European species, occurring in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Spain and Portugal, including the English Channel, the North Sea, Iceland, and more rarely the northern coast of the western Mediterranean. It is mainly an in shore species found near rocky coasts and over rocky bottoms. Though a bottom feeder it may also be found swimming in shoals in midwaters.
It is a member of the cod family Gadidae and can be distinguished from similar looking species in its own family by a combination of features. Its lower jaw projects beyond the upper jaw, its tail is concave, its lateral line is dark greenish brown and arches sharply above the pectoral fins, and the chin lacks barbels. Coloration of this species is usually dark brown or olive dorsally. The sides of the fish change rather abruptly to a paler, yellowish color. Sometimes dark yellow or orange spots or stripes are apparent on the upper flanks.
It is a good sport fish and a strong fighter. It is in the words of one author “a crash dive artist par excellence” and is difficult to stop before it reaches sanctuary. Its diet includes sand eels, sprats, herring, smaller cod like fish, wrasses, rocklings, blennies, squid, worms and large crustaceans. Bait fishing, casting, jigging or trolling are all successful fishing methods. Baits and lures include diamond jigs, squid, herring, clams, worms, smaller cod species, crabs, shrimp, and prawns, spoons, tub lures, spinners, plugs and flies. They are an excellent table fish